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Are Carbohydrates Making a Comeback?
The perception of carbohydrates has changed considerably in recent years. Once a staple in the British diet, particularly with our love for potatoes, carbohydrates more recently gai...more
I know that a couple of people are saying that our chakras are changing colours.. I am guided to address this after lots of meditating in the subject.more
Are Humans Really Dying More Quickly Than Expected?
Have you been noticing that more people appear to be dying or becoming critically ill of late? Many of us have, and it’s tragic when it’s close to home. And while we all recognise ...more
Are Phytochemicals the Future of Skin Protection from Ultraviolet Radiation?
Solar UVR is divided into three types of radiations: UVA (320-400 nm), UVB (290-320 nm), and UVC (200-290 nm). Different wavelengths and energy associated with UV subdivision corre...more
Are There Herbs for Low Self Esteem?
In this Expert Column, McIntyre recognizes that while low self esteem is not a disease, it can be incredibly crippling. She asks the rhetorical question as to whether herbs can hel...more
Are We Lighting the Fuse of an Autoimmune Time Bomb?
There’s been increasing concern voiced by world-leading immunologists that we could soon witness a devastating super-epidemic of autoimmune diseases. Some think it’s our exposure t...more
Are You A Corporate Risk? Vital Insurance Issues for Health Practitioners
The author covers practices such as those set up as a limited company or other corporate entity, consisting of one person or multi-person, multi-therapy, as well as the various r...more
Whether you are a massage therapist, physical therapist, chiropractor, acupuncturist, doctor of osteopathy, physiatrist, or others, are you effective outside of your hands-on clinic...more
How do you know if a treatment is working? Can you tell if you are feeling better or not, better or worse? Although the answer seems obvious (after all, it is your body), relying o...more
Most of those I’ve worked with (self included!) share something that for many of us hurts us even more than physical pain – an occasional, yet dreadful sense of helplessness. Who am...more
In this column on stress and control, the author asks a small sample group of people what causes them stress and was surprised to discover that the one common thread running throug...more
In this article, the author challenges the conventional view that we have to use muscles to hold us up against gravity, and the related concept of exercising and strengthening what...more
Are You Qualified to Practise?
This question is perhaps not always asked out loud by patients but is certainly present when they first consult a practitioner of complementary therapies.more
Are You Ready to Spring Forward?
Regular columnist and aromatherapist Barbara Payne reminds us that Spring is the time of year to nurture our integument system – the skin, nails and hair – which we have probably o...more
When you have the unfortunate experience of walking into a room or building that has a musty smell, generally you may think to yourself “this is an unpleasant smell”, and quickly re...more
Are you Suffering from High-Functioning Anxiety
Anxiety and stress can affect us all in different ways - in some cases it can even begin to affect our personal life or harm productivity at work. Prevention of anxiety essentially...more
The attainment of uprightness was a decisive factor in the evolution of the hominids, the family to which we belong. Walking upright freed the hands and the arms from their former ...more
Aromastrology - the Art of Scent
Aromastrology harnesses the scented power of aromatic essential oils to the Chinese lunar astrology system that gave birth to both the Chinese civilisation and the energy art of Chi...more
Aromatherapeutic Management of the Menopause
When undertaking the aromatherapeutic treatment of menopause, of a client who does not wish to go on H.R.T. I have found that with the appropriate dietary advice and aromatherapy, ...more
Aromatherapists - are you Insured to Cover all the Essential Oils You Use?
I recently discovered after talking to a couple of insurance companies that offer malpractice insurance to aromatherapists in the UK that you are officially only covered by insuranc...more
Aromatic medicine, also known as Aromatherapy, is a multifaceted and well established healing art with a documented body of scientific knowledge which utilises mainly ethereal, v...more
Aromatherapy - More than Essential Oils
This fascinating article by Jan Kusmirek, a senior and highly experienced and well-known Aromatherapy professional, discusses a wide range of possible materials and techniques whic...more
Aromatherapy - Plant to the Bottle
Whilst great work is being done by various organisations, such as the Aromatherapy Organisations Council which is the central body for UK aromatherapy organisations, as well as pra...more
Aromatherapy Adventure – Exploring the Power of Plants in France
In March 31 to April 2, 2000 I attended a three-day seminar at AMBROSIA essential oil Apothecary in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. During the seminar, I delved into the benefit and h...more
Aromatherapy and Flower Posies - Two Healing Supports
Holistic aromatherapist, Barbara Payne, highlights how aromatherapy and flower posies can be used as healing aids during the busy ‘spring fever’ time of year, when we become partic...more
Aromatherapy and Massage for people with a learning disability
During my nurse training, I was able to observe Aromatherapists apply aromatherapy and massage to people with a learning disability. I also studied in depth the relevant literature...more
Aromatherapy Energetics An Oriental Approach
It may at first sight seems strange to apply to aromatherapy (a therapeutic approach that seems so distinctly European) the theories of an ancient medical tradition that originated...more
The authors, who are essential oil resource consultants, illustrate how aromatherapy can be used effectively in the complex area of pain management.more
Aromatherapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
According to the author, SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) affects an estimated half-a-million people every winter, especially December through February. To avoid the mood swings s...more
Aromatherapy in the Treatment of Arthritis
Aromatherapy is a whole system of healing, a holistic approach to health and well-being by means of aromas, scents derived from the plant kingdom. It can be described as an art and...more
Aromatherapy used on a Stroke Rehabilitation Unit
In this study Paula Mullins begins by describing how aromatherapy started, how it works and perceived benefits and contra-indications. She then describes the role function of aroma...more
Aromatherapy, Massage and Chinese Medicine
Chinese massage is designed not only to relax the person and release muscular tension but also to treat illnesses. In this article the author describes how she uses a combination o...more
Aromatic Camino™ - Pilgrimage for the Body, Mind and Spirit
In 2003, returning home after two years in the picturesque village of Ashbourne, England, I pondered a future adventure. A local newspaper highlighted one woman’s journey to Santiag...more
Aromatic Pregnancy and Childbirth in the UK - An American Nurse's Perspective
In the middle of Indiana, an English nurse named Jane Buckle taught the multiple ways aromatherapy could enhance the care of patients. I was hooked, and began to imagine one day ...more
Aromatology Its History and Uses
In the UK for various reasons, not least among them ignorance and fear, aromatherapy has been reduced to a fraction of its potential. It is no more than 'massage with smells' to so...more
In 1900, beer drinkers in northern England died of arsenic poisoning when sulphuric acid contaminated with arsenic was used in the processing of the beer. Murderers prefer arsenic ...more
This article offers herbal remedies for Arthritis. The author says the symptoms of this painful and debilitating condition can be relieved and that its degenerative processes can a...more
Arthritis: What Exercises Work deals with one of the most important and significant aspects of the management of these two diseases.more
As a Caretaker of a Child: What Does Self-Care Even Look Like to You?
Let’s get real for a moment. As a caretaker, especially if you're raising a child, the term "self-care" can feel like some distant dream or a luxury you don’t have time for. Maybe ...more
Ashtanga Yoga - Feeling Fully Alive!
The author describes her quest to learn Ashtanga yoga, which took her to a small studio in India where she studied with its founder, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and his grandson, Sharat...more
Ashwagandha: Winter Cherry - Withania Somnifera
Ashwaganda, sometimes called Indian Ginseng, is a herb native to India, North Africa and the Middle East, and is one of the most important herbs used in Ayurvedic medicine. In Indi...more
Assessment of the Body Regions - the Back
A fundamental aspect of bodywork is the assessment of the presenting symptoms and the aetiology. The particular region of the body must be assessed for malfunction, contraindicatio...more
Assessment of the Body Regions - The Back (continued from Issue 92)
In this column, Mario-Paul Cessar continues with his assessment of the back by looking at dysfunctions of the skeletal structure. He discusses signs and symptoms and how to palpate...more
Asthma - A Multifactorial Disease?
5.4 million people in the UK have asthma. This means that 1 in every 11 people has asthma. Every 10 seconds someone has a life-threatening asthma attack.more
There is no doubt that air pollution contributes to asthma and other respiratory problems but contrary to popular belief, there is doubt that air pollution directly causes asthma.<...more
Asthma and its Aromatherapy Management
"Not all people with asthma have allergies. Roughly 5% of the population lives with asthma".more
Asthma Interferential Therapy and Chartered Physiotherapy
A five-year-old boy developed asthma at six months old after being prescribed antibiotics for an ear infection. After a short course of Interferential Therapy [IFT] and chest physi...more
Asthma Treatment using Salbutamol and Ma Huang
This article focuses on asthma, a complex disorder involving biochemical, autonomic, immunologic, infectious, endocrine and psychological factors to varying degrees in individuals....more
Astrological Sun Signs and their Representative Foods Part I: Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer
This article is a detailed account of the relationship between sun signs and nutrition.more
Astrology as a Therapy for Well-Being
Most people have heard of astrology, says the author, though it is often perceived as fortune telling or entertainment by reading your stars in the paper. But, says Debbie Sellwood...more
Atlas Asymmetry the Overlooked Phenomenon
This article focuses on benefits of combining TMJ treatments with correction of the Atlas, the first cervical vertebrae which, in most of us, is out of equilibrium and dislocated a...more
Atopic Eczema - Help for Sufferers
The itch, the scratch, wet bandages covering the skin, cotton mittens, low self-esteem, exasperated parents, creams and lotions, hopelessness, sleepless nights, spells in hospital ...more
Attract your Ideal Weight: Zaheen Nanji’s Story
One afternoon as I was getting dressed for a dinner party, something so disturbing happened that it changed my life. The house wasn't on fire, nobody was injured and I wasn't kidna...more
In her Case Study this month Dr Jones looks at several different issues in the case of a woman who had had serious surgery in the past and had got through it relatively easily. She...more
I have very mixed feelings about the recent explosion of media interest in Feng Shui. As so often with a glut of articles about any alternative discipline, the facts become watered...more
Autism: Dietary Treatment Options
The authors of this article have spent several years researching the causes and treatment of autism, which has reached epidemic proportions, and they put forward their theory that ...more
Autogenic Therapy - the best form of self-help
Can we learn to activate our own self-righting mechanisms? Can we cause the healing capacity to work at our own command and directive, rather than giving that power to another pers...more
Autogenic Therapy: A Short Term Therapy for Long Term Gain
Autogenic Therapy (AT) for high levels of stress which exceed one's comfort level and eventually lead to various physical and emotional symptoms such as: high blood pressure, aller...more
“The first inference deducible from the experiments, according to my reading of them, is, that lactic acid has the power, when existing in an animal body in excess, of producing a c...more
Aromatherapist Barbara Payne looks at the uplifting and reviving essential oils that reflect the vibrancy of the autumn season and which can help to ward off viruses.more
Availability of Healthcare Information in an Emergency and the Importance of a Medical ID
We never know when a medical emergency may strike so preparing for one is the best way to safe guard ourselves and our loved ones. It's not about worrying unnecessarily, it’s about...more
Avian Influenza: What Steps Can You Take?
In this article on Bird Flu or H5N1 Avian Influenza, the author sets the facts straight on this disease of birds by saying that this particular virus has shown that it can infect h...more
Our body is a latticework of energies. When our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies flow freely throughout our chakras, we follow our life path with ease and confiden...more
The spiritual side of awakening is the process of becoming conscious around the areas that need upgrading. So for example, in the field of healing we have areas in our lives that ne...more
Awareness of the Symptoms of Leukaemia Low in the South East
A Kent Woman Beat Leukaemia, Got Married and had Baby Despite being Told her Egg Reserves were Low Following Chemotherapy. Twenty-eight-year-old Rhianna McKenna from Welling in Ken...more
Ayden Byle Canadian Diabetic Athlete
This is a brief article about Ayden Byle, a Canadian who was diagnosed with Type I diabetes just before starting at university. He has always been athletic, and loves running. He al...more
Ayurveda means the art or science of life/living, or a way of life. The word comes from the Sanskrit, Ayu meaning life or living, Veda meaning knowledge or science of.more
Ayurveda - In Harmony with Osteopathy
Ayurveda is an ancient system and many of the systems of alternative therapy may have found their roots here. Osteopathy can be likened to Ayurveda in its approach. Although mechan...more
Autumn is the period of the year when Vata is predominant not only in the atmosphere and environment but also in our bodies. The weather is generally light, dry, cold, windy, rough...more
Ayurveda for Health in the Workplace
Ayurveda can be utilized for its proactive and conscious management of health and performance in our professional lives, improving energy levels and concentration. Carl Lyons looks...more
Ayurveda in Action in South India
On first appearance Arogya, looks more like a Taj-style holiday resort than an Ayurvedic hospital. It is a serene scattering of Kerala-style red tiled buildings amidst lush foliage,...more
The 27th of October was the first annual ‘Ayurveda Day’ espoused by the Indian Government. It was celebrated by a motion in the UK Parliament calling on the Government to establish...more
Ayurveda in the Wise Earth Tradition
This article focuses on the original grassroots form of Ayurveda, as developed by Swamini Mayathitananda of the Wise Earth School of Ayurveda in North Carolina, US. Better known a...more
Ayurveda: Internalize Cooking and Spiritualize Eating
Dr Sanjay Parva discusses the role of cooking and eating according to the Vedas and Ayurvedic practice. He believes cooking should be part of ones spiritual and daily life.more
Ayurvedic and Herbal Perspectives for Managing the Menopause
The menopause is part of the natural cycle of life and is a time of change experienced by all women to the next phase of life, unlike say period problems or pregnancy. Every woman’s...more
Ayurvedic Approach to a Healthy Heart
Ayurveda is a science of healing based on ancient Indian philosophy and belief that the heart is the seat of life energy and has a direct bearing on our health and happiness. It lo...more
Ayurvedic Herbs as Healers - Punarnava and Ashwagandha
This article begins with a brief account of the Ayurvedic philosophy of herbs as healers. The first aim is to restore health and secondly to do away with afflictions.more
Ayurvedic Medicine: Personal Rejuvenation
Ayurveda, translated as 'science of longevity', is a medical-lifestyle system, which informs us which substances, qualities and actions enhance our lives and which do not. It draws...more
Ayurvedic Perspective on Diet and Digestion
This article focuses on the importance of diet and digestion in Ayurvedic medicine. In terms of digestion, Ayurveda takes into consideration the person, their food and their digest...more
Ayurvedic Way of Cooking: Herbs and Food Supplements
Ayurveda is the ancient holistic medical system from India which has been practised for more than 5000 years. Ayurveda means ‘science of life’ (‘Ayu’ meaning life and ‘Veda’ meani...more
This passive yoga stretching increases joint mobility and ligament flexibility and is thus an excellent tool for motor rehabilitation. In addition, ancient techniques involving the...more
B Complex - The Answer To Good Mental Health?
According to the World Health Organisation, 350 million people suffer from depression and it is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Being depressed in addition to having a p...more
I will not repeat the history and background of the Bach Flower Remedies which was so well documented in the last Issue of Positive Health, except to say that the Remedies are adde...more
Bach Flower 'Maintenance' Remedy - Astrologically Derived 'Personal Elixir'(tm)
The author tells us that information has recently come to light that Dr. Edward Bach, in addition to his ‘reactive’ Rescue Remedy, had also developed a ‘pro-active’™ remedy, a prev...more
Bach Flower Remedies: Correspondences with the Chakras
It was in the early 1990s that I first came across the Dr Bach's Flower remedies. I was introducing a speaker from the Bach Centre to an Association of Reflexologists Meeting.more
The most common form of spinal injury and back pain can be attributed to sedentary lifestyles, and is manifested by the same back injury from which I had suffered. Hunched, with sh...more
In this article, Mary Martin, reflexologist, illustrates how reflexology can be used to alleviate back pain by working holistically through the body’s energetic communication syste...more
Back Issues and Reflexology Support
Thousands of working hours are lost each year due to backache or back trouble, but this vague generic description can cover a wide range conditions ranging from very acute to chroni...more
Back Pain Wakes the Nation up at 3am
Many people might assume that osteopathy means ‘bones’. However, the practitioners specialize in the diagnosis, management, treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders – l...more
Back Pain: Causes and Treatments Reviewed
This article starts by explaining that back care treatment is a complicated process and that the most successful patients are those who continually search for and try new therapies...more
Beata Bishop draws on her experiences as a psychotherapist, and highlights the fact that an increasingly common factor behind client's anxieties and problems is a sense of isolatio...more
Back to the Future – An Osteopathic Answer to the Healthcare Crisis?
The genius of modern medicine is dealing with acute and traumatic conditions. It is life saving and restorative. However medicine is in crisis. The cost of healthcare is enormous an...more
Bad Breath Perceived Causes and Ways to Deal With It
Bad breath can be an embarrassing problem with social and health implications. A recent survey among 261 respondents detects common perceptions about bad breath and strategies to de...more
The gist of the Scientific American article is that our bodies "were not designed for extended operation" and that "we push them to function long past their warranty period". As a ...more
Balanced Body, Balanced Mind: Rolfing - Structural Integration Update
Ida Rolf theorized that although humans had evolved to become upright creatures, they were not yet quite upright enough, and that by assisting a person to become more vertical - by ...more
Balancing Chakras for Optimum Health
The author explains about the chakras - the energy centres, situated at various levels in our body - in Sanskrit, the wheel or vortex of spinning energy emanating from our core.more
Balancing Exercise, Relaxation, and Rest for Effective Self-Care
Today’s demands often make it difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but there are several physical and mental activities to ensure that you can get the self-care you need. A ba...more
Balancing Health - Tibetan Medicine
How Eastern and Western Approaches can Promote Optimal Health. Tibetan medicine is a ancient medical system that is strongly rooted in the teachings of Buddhist philosophy.more
Balancing Mind and Emotion through Ayurveda
Expert Regular Herbalist Anne McIntyre states that in Ayurveda the mind and heart are one and the same. The mind is said to reside in the heart and this means the physical heart a...more
Balancing The Body And Mind With Yoga
Summary: Find out how you can balance your body and mind with the practice of yoga through this article.more
Balancing Your Internal Climate
This article, co-authored with Martin Grasby LAc, focuses on finding our internal balance which, the authors say, should not be confused with ridding oneself of unwanted emotions. ...more
In this article, the author provides a detailed account of his recent assignment in Honduras, teaching Physiotherapists in a rehabilitation centre a series of Yoga exercises and Sh...more
Barriers to Integration are in our Minds
I am starting this brief article by looking at boundaries between some complementary professions, but where this takes us is revolutionary - so please read on even if the words ost...more
Basic Goodness - Returning to What Is
For those looking for freedom from physical and mental anguish, life more often than not is experienced as a battle to relieve anxiety and achieve better ends. It is an ongoing sea...more
The author provides us with an account of the reasons why bathing is important, and the benefits. Then he gives us basic rules for bathing, then a set of detailed instructions, bas...more
In this article the author discusses the benefits of being still. Sitting still, he says, for even five minutes a day, every day for a month, can begin to transform your life. It a...more
The author takes an unconventional approach in this column to explain personal well-being and the power of true self-esteem, by focusing on the heroes in the movies Scent of a Woma...more
There are many convincing reasons to become vegetarian. The health benefits of many vegetables are itemised in the article, which also warns us that although meat offers nutritiona...more
BEAM - Bosiger Energy Alignment Method
The author is a co-founder of the Bosiger Energy Alignment Method (BEAM™), and explains how the technique works to balance the body's natural energy flow (vital force/chi). It work...more
Beat the Heat by Gulping Fruit Infused Water Drink
... Moreover, if you are a health freak and do not want to gulp fizzy cold drinks or sodas, is there any option left to rejuvenate and invigorate your body and mind so that you can...more
Insomnia is well-known in popular culture as the maddening inability to fall asleep when you really want to. It is also a serious medical condition with a variety of causes and an e...more
Skin care products are skyrocketing worldwide. Some are packed in elegant containers, others in plain receptacles. Some are composed of synthetic ingredients, some claim to be "natu...more
What is it about beauty that fascinates us? In fact, more basically, what is beauty? What are the criteria for judging something or someone as being beautiful?more
Beauty Secrets Hidden in Indian Herbs
This article focuses on ten of the most important Indian medicinal plants used in beauty care and the herbal practices of the Patalkot tribe in Central India.more
Wendy Emberson gives absolutely essential advice regarding how to choose the right sleeping components for you and your family. This includes tips regarding how to determine if y...more
Bee Products, Properties and Applications
Prof Avshalom Mizrahi, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Medicine in Israel gives an authoritative and comprehensive account of the health benefits of a range of bee products. He de...more
Behold the Divine Beauty in Thyself
Most people who are familiar with the sublime practice of transcendental meditation (TM) technique – which is akin to the inner relaxation of the mind, or silent wakefulness – know ...more
Being in the Zone is Divine Frenzy
We often think through two channels - creative and analytical - albeit some of us are endowed with the incredulous talent of “suspended” thinking. The creative element of our though...more
Dr Dorothy Rowe looks at how the elderly and mentally ill are looked upon by would-be helpers and family members. She writes of her own experience of growing old. Although she feel...more
Being Truly Alive - Movement, Exercise and Fitness aren't just for Losing Weight…
Have you ever noticed when you exercise that you yawn? Yawning is an indicator of relieving stress, one of the main benefits of ‘working out’. It does not mean you are tired or bor...more
One of the results of the above is self-esteem issues which culminate in difficulty to cope. This commonly leads to trauma. We associate the word trauma with an accident, physical ...more
Beliefs - The Power to Create or Destroy
Beliefs are the rules that we lead our life by. They are the concepts that we hold true about ourselves, other people and the World in general. They determine what we can and can’t ...more
Beneficial use of Seaweed in Special Diets
In a conventional diet of mainly land-grown and manufactured foods, careful choice and variety is required to provide all the daily nutrients the body needs to maintain homeostasis ...more
Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant and the key to improve your cellular health. As essential as a healthy diet can be, aloe is as essential being a part of your diet. Best known for tre...more
Benefits of Breath Analysis and Breath Coaching
Breath Coaching is a highly evolved and revolutionary approach to all breathwork. How? Because over the years, scientists who have invested a great deal of research into breath, hav...more
Benefits of Cold Water Swimming and the Wim Hof Method
I had wanted to be a daily cold-water swimmer for a long time before I mustered the courage to start. I talked about it, I researched it, I even started cold water showers. I knew i...more
Fruit juices stir up and flush out accumulated toxins. Their concentrated natural sugars bring about vital energy and speed up the eliminative process. Vegetable juices provide the...more
Benefits of Sleep - The Impact of Sleep on the Body
A lack of sleep the night before is enough to leave us tired, grumpy and fed up for the rest of the day. Getting the right amount of rest is crucial to tackling everything the world...more
Benefits of the FlexxiCore† Passive Exerciser: Practitioner Trials
This article discusses a series of trials with a class of passive exercisers, undertaken in 2005 with 145 health professionals and yoga teachers, as well as the results from the 100...more
Benefits of Yoga for Knee Pain
At first sight, the knee may appear to be a simple joint, but it is actually quite complex. This complexity also makes the knee susceptible to many injuries, and the knee is often o...more
My once size ten, shapely body achieved through exercise and weight training, had ballooned into a size twenty two and for some obscure reason my feet and hands were getting bigger...more
Bert-Ola, My New Friend and Teacher
Werner Erhard, the founder of EST, once said that if you put a rat in a maze with cheese in the centre, the rat will keep trying various possibilities until it eventually figures o...more
Best Plants for Meditation and Healing
According to the statistics from Bupa Global, over 26% of UK adults meditate because of its healing benefits, with British men (30%) practising meditation almost twice as much as wo...more
Between Loneliness and Laughter
Loneliness is a feeling of emptiness and hollowness inside an individual. It results from smothered, festering feelings of isolation that produce the belief of being separated and ...more
Beata Bishop uncovers some of the hidden dictators of today – not recognizable tyrants such as Attila the Hun and Hitler, whose power was limited geographically, by the passing of ...more
Beyond Diet and Exercise: 14 Seldom Discussed Causes of Obesity
If we want to lose weight, we’re told to eat well and exercise. And there’s plenty of logic to that. But there are plenty of people eating well and exercising who are not losing wei...more
Beyond Healing - The Form: Love and Truth in Reflection
'The Form: Love & Truth in Reflection' is a series of movements that the practitioner makes around the seated recipient. It is described as a gateway for both participants to e...more
At the beginning of the year, the 9 year old son of a friend of mine was complaining of a pain under his big toe. The father was told that the offending source of pain was a wart. U...more
Bio Resonance Therapy for Parasites
The author outlines a seven point program he uses to treat parasitic infestation. This involves treating the whole body especially through diet and treating the intestinal tract,...more
I was one of those people, (and I know that there are many out there), for whom, what started out as a disc problem went on to become something far more serious; that is to say a s...more
Bio-Hacking the Ageing Code: Nutrigenomics - Protandim; Ancient Medicine Truly Meets Modern Science
When a colleague mentioned to me the possibility of Bio-hacking the ageing code and a new area of research called nutrigenomics, my interest was really peeked!more
The creation and organisation of Biodanza was initiated through research by Rolando Toro during the 1960s. A clinical psychologist, anthropologist, poet and painter, Rolando Toro a...more
Biodanza and Parkinson's Disease: Proposal of Motor Existential Rehabilitaion
Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder of the central nervous system causing physical symptoms such as muscular rigidity and tremor by which it is most usually recognized. H...more
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy: The Breath of Life, Dynamic Stillness and Trauma Recovery
High up in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, recently I had an experience which helped me to better understand the work I do with my craniosacral clients and how powerful it can...more
Modern medical herbalists use gentle herbal medicines with positive effects and few side effects. They either make their own preparations or use trade suppliers with established rep...more
Biodynamic Massage: A Truly Therapeutic Massage
Biodynamic Massage works across a wide spectrum from deep muscular work, to connective tissue massage, to light energetic touch and work in the aura.more
Biodynamic Psychology: Healing Through the Body's Wisdom
The author discusses the origin and concept behind Biodynamic Body Psychotherapy & Massage, developed by the late Gerda Boyesen (1922-2005), how it works, the techniques used a...more
Biodynamic Psychotherapy - Meeting the psyche in the body
Biodynamic psychotherapy was developed in the 1950s by Gerda Boyesen, a Norwegian psychologist and physiotherapist, and is based on a deep appreciation of the inseparable interac...more
The idea for this article stemmed from our love of vegetarian cooking and the way it can be used to promote health. We found people have become vegetarians for many reasons, be i...more